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Introducing our new campaign aiming to change the language and perception of stammering.
Various prices
Our guidelines on how to cover stammering, endorsed by the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists.
STAMMA picked up three Third Sector Excellence Awards at an event held online this week. Chief Executive Jane Powell reflects on the success.
Watch Tash's latest vlog about negative reactions to her stammer.
When James took part in an online strategy game based on the TV show Survivor, he soon realised he'd have to figure out a strategy for dealing with his stammer too. Find out how he got on.
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Zara opens up about her stammer, with this post from her blog 'Zara Writes'
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This October there are three online events for people who stammer looking for work, or wanting to improve their interview skills.
Wed 21st Oct '20 2:00pm
A day of online interactive skills sessions for undergraduates interested in a career in investment banking.
Download our Annual Report from 2019 and read all about our year of transformation.
When Rick Arenas was a boy, his family didn't talk about his stammer. But when his own son came to him for advice for living with stammering, he decided he didn't want to take the same approach.
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Wed 21st 5:00pm-Thu 22nd Oct '20 6:00pm
Free online interview practice for people who stammer.