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What's new
Thu 15th 6:00pm-Sun 18th Aug 4:00pm
Come to STAMMAFest, our national conference for people who stammer. *Book by 18th July if you want university accommodation!
Unsure if our conference in August is for you? Maybe these quotes from previous attendees might persuade you.
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The latest comic strip about stammering from cartoonist and STAMMA member Gareth Cowlin.
Alex talks about finding acceptance by facing the things he fears and surrounding himself with the right people.
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Don't let worries about stammering stop you from voting this election day. Read our guide.
Come to our unmissable national conference. But book by 18th if you want accommodation.
Sat 17th Aug 9:00am
Have you got a child who stammers? Come to our Family Day in Nottingham this August.
Read about each of the candidates here and what they say they'll bring to the role.
Sat 27th Jul 10:00am–11:30am
Join our online event where you can influence new stammering research projects.
Declan talks about the challenges he faces in his voluntary roles, as well as stammering in different languages.
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A review of the play Wonder Boy, which will be touring the UK from September.
Organisers of October's International Stuttering Awareness Day Online event invite you or your child to submit something.