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Shouting about our support services and volunteers this Helplines Awareness Day.
We're thrilled to announce a new online meetup for males who stammer.
Dilpreet tells us about getting past stammering-related shyness to make videos sharing messages of positivity.
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This Helplines Awareness Day, we explain how helpline operators can make things easier for callers who stammer.
Former Lib Dem candidate Chris Nelson has stepped down following a series of hateful comments and mockery aimed at his stammer.
An evening out at the Doncaster Stammering Association's special event, which had a magical surprise in store.
Tue 19th Mar 7:00pm–8:00pm
A free online session giving tips and ideas for making things easier at work when you stammer.
An obituary for Pete, our former trustee, who has sadly passed away.
Sun 26th May 11:15am
Run for Team STAMMA this May. One place left!
Ross opens up about an experience that left him anxious and depressed but tells us how talking about things has helped.
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We asked people for their experiences and tips on dating when you stammer, and if they'd mention it on dates.
John tells us how a chance encounter led to him giving a talk about stammering at Reading Library in January.
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