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What's new

The latest content on our website
What's new
Tue 17th Sep 1:00pm–1:30pm
A workshop for healthcare staff who come into contact with people who stammer.
Wed 19th Jun 1:00pm–1:30pm
A workshop for anyone in customer-facing roles, on interacting with people on stammer.
Fri 3rd May 11:00am–11:30am
A workshop for healthcare staff who come into contact with people who stammer.
We chat with ex-parliamentary candidate Chris Nelson about stepping down due to stammering-related abuse.
Claire tells us about being asked to do an interview after winning an award for her business.
Your Voice Tag
Tue 9th Apr 7:30pm–8:30pm
Interested in what's going in the world of stammering research? Join this online event.
The latest comic strip about stammering from cartoonist and STAMMA member Gareth Cowlin.
Our Communities & Campaigns Manager Vee argues the case for connecting online with others who stammer.
There are only a few spaces left at the Great North Run, Manchester 10k or London 10k, so sign up now.
Alan J. Hill tells us about 'Arsenal', who struggled with the register at school but went on to become a public speaker.
Your Voice Tag
Tue 9th Jul 7:30pm
An online support group meeting for parents to meet and share experiences.
A handwritten and illustrated story from 8-year-old Sarah about her stammer.
Your Voice Tag