Tue, 18/03/2025
Joe talks about the shifting attitudes towards autism and its possible lessons for the stammering community.
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Fri, 14/03/2025
Influencer Jessie on the idea behind her awareness-raising symbol which featured on BBC News.
Fri, 07/03/2025
Benita shares what has helped her to think differently about her speech and talks about the power of listening.
Tue, 04/03/2025
Nigel wonders if technology to track and measure bodily reactions can help with stammering therapy.
Thu, 27/02/2025
Naheem, Laura & Patrick look back at their experiences on courses to control their stammers.
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Tue, 18/02/2025
Aidan examines negative stammering representation in movies, something he wants to change.
Wed, 05/02/2025
Steph tells us how she uses a metaphor to help parents take a more accepting approach to stammering.
Fri, 31/01/2025
Brandon looks back at Joe Biden's presidency and asks what it meant for people who stammer.
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Thu, 16/01/2025
Michelle congratulates the outgoing President's achievements but laments what could have been.
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Tue, 14/01/2025
Stewart writes candidly about how unhappy he is with stammering, and describes the technique that helps him.
Mon, 23/12/2024
To round off 2024, John shares his diary from our conference this August in Nottingham.
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Thu, 11/07/2024
Unsure if our conference in August is for you? Maybe these quotes from previous attendees might persuade you.
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