One-to-one Adult Speech & Language Therapy
Find out how to access NHS or private speech & language therapy for adults who stammer.
Have you seen our Self-help For Stammering page but are looking for extra help? Speech & language therapy is one option. This page tells you how you can access it through the NHS or privately. For other options, see Adult Group Courses.
Feel free to chat with us if you have any questions. Either call our free helpline on 0808 802 0002 or start a webchat.
On this page:
How speech & language therapy can help
NHS therapy
Private therapy
Therapy not working out?
How speech & language therapy can help
A qualified speech & language therapist can help in lots of ways. They can work with you to make speaking easier, through speech techniques. They can also help with difficult thoughts and feelings about stammering.
For a detailed look at how therapy can help, see Adult Stammering Options Explained. It also has a section called 'Is therapy for me?'.
NHS therapy
In most places in the UK, you can get one-to-one NHS adult speech & language therapy. Here's how:
Finding an NHS therapist
You can usually make an appointment with an NHS speech & language therapist yourself. Find contact details for your local NHS service online. Search for 'Adult NHS stammering therapy + your local town/city'.
Or, we can help you find details. Start a webchat or phone our free helpline on 0808 802 0002. Or email help@stamma.org
If you prefer, you could ask your GP or health visitor to refer you. If it helps, download our 'Supporting letter for GPs' below to fill in and give to your GP.
Note that waiting times can vary from place to place.
No local NHS service?
Sadly, not everywhere has an NHS adult service, so you might find that there isn't one where you live. If this is the case, try the alternative options below.
City St George's University (ages 18-25, UK-wide, in-person/online)
Are you aged 18 to 25? You can get free therapy from The Roberta Williams Centre at City St George's University. If you live in or near London, you can attend the sessions in-person at the university. It's also available online if you live elsewhere in the UK.
Sessions are delivered by speech & language therapy students studying at the university. They'll be closely supervised by an experienced speech & language therapist. Read what therapy sessions at City St George's University offer.
Contact: for more information, email rwcstammering@city.ac.uk
Online therapy from Airedale NHS (UK-wide)
The Airedale NHS Stammering Service offers therapy via videocall to anyone in the UK. However, you can only access it with funding via your GP. This is a long shot though as GPs are only occasionally able to help with funding. But Airedale NHS can help with the paperwork. Visit their website for details.
Private therapy
Private speech & language therapy is another option, but it's not free.
You can find details of a qualified private therapist near you online. See the Association for Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice website. Or email office@asltip.com
Make sure to ask therapists if they have worked with adults who stammer before. If it helps, download our 'Supporting letter for private therapists' below to give to them and let them know about your stammer.
How much does private therapy cost?
Sessions with a private therapist range between £70 and £125. This depends on the therapist's experience, what's included, or on regional variation. The first session is likely to be more expensive. This is because they'll spend extra time gathering information.
You might be able to get funding for private therapy — see below.
Getting funding for private therapy
You could try asking your employer to pay for you to have private speech & language therapy or go on a stammering course. They might be happy to support you, particularly if it can help your professional development.
If you're unsure about how to ask for it, why not contact our Employment Support Service? We can discuss with you how to approach your employer.
Therapy not working out?
Are you having doubts about the therapy you are having? Not quite sure where it's going? Doesn't feel like the right fit for you? See What To Do If Your Adult Therapy/Course Isn't Working Out for advice.
Other options
One-to-one speech & language therapy is just one option for adults who stammer. For other options, see:
- Adult Group Stammering Courses
- Mental Health Support, with details of how to access talking therapies
- See if there's a stammering group near you. These are great ways to get peer support from others who stammer.
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