Find Research Participants
Are you a researcher? We can help you find people who stammer to take part in your research.
At STAMMA, we are very supportive of research initiatives. We recognise that research has an important role to play in developing understanding of stammering, how the outside world responds to stammering and the different forms of support available.
If you are looking for people who stammer or their friends, family and others to take part in your research, we can help you reach potential participants.
How to submit a request
In order for us to review your request, you need to:
- Download the Research Participation Request Form below
- Email the completed form (with associated documentation) to hello@stamma.org
Your request will then be passed on to the STAMMA Research Committee for review. We will use the information you submit to inform our decision-making, so please answer all questions on the form.
The review process
Give plenty of time for us to review your request. If you've got ethics approval it should take up to two weeks to go through the Service Panel.
In reviewing your submission, we will particularly focus on whether the proposed project:
- demonstrates non-maleficence
- is of an acceptable level of quality
- is of potential value to the stammering community.
We will inform you of our decision. This may include recommendations for change or for further consideration.
If the request is approved by the committee, we will include details of your research project on our website and on social media.
Top Tips
Think carefully about the language that you are using when you are talking about stammering. Avoid language that suggests certain ways of talking are better or worse than others. You may find it helpful to review our Editorial Guidelines when planning and sharing your research.
We are keen to encourage projects that involve Patient and Public Involvement (PPI). PPI "entails research being carried out 'with' or 'by' members of the public, rather than 'to', 'about' or 'for' them" (NIHR, 2023).
You may be interested in sharing your work at one of our Research Arena events.
Further resources to support you in your use of PPI can be found in the UK Standards for Public Involvement, NIHR resources to support Patient and Public Involvement and the NHS England co-production resource toolkit.
Consider how you will support participants before, during and after taking part in your study. Remember that talking about experiences of stammering, perceptions of self or responses from others may be challenging. We would recommend signposting all participants to potential sources of support.
Build space into your project timeline for your research participation request form to be reviewed and for any suggestions to be reviewed and actioned as appropriate.
If you have them, provide us with images and posters that we can share on our platforms, including social media.
Email us at hello@stamma.org if you have any questions.
Research Arena
If your project is at an early stage and you would like feedback on its design from people who stammer, join one of our online Research Arena events.
Interested in stammering research? Sign up to our research mailing list. We'll send you details of new research projects and events you can get involved with.