A man sitting in an armchair speaking into a mobile phone

Advocacy Service For Stammering

How to get support if you have been treated poorly or unfairly because you stammer.

Have you recently been: 

  • laughed at in a coffee shop or when calling a company? 
  • unable to get through voice recognition procedures when contacting your bank? 
  • passed over for promotion? 
  • talked over in meetings at work? 
  • refused adjustments to oral exams? 

If you've recently been treated poorly or unfairly because you stammer, that's not just poor customer service. It's discrimination and it's against the law in the UK. 

We're here to help.

Our Goal

At STAMMA, we want to help people who stammer get the same service, jobs, education and support that those who don't stammer expect. 

We'll help you make an effective complaint — one that is likely to be taken seriously and actioned.


We want to see more than a belated apology, issued weeks later alongside a £5 voucher for another coffee. 

We want to see organisations put training and measures in place so that people who stammer are treated respectfully and fairly. We want to support them to become better at employing and interacting with people who stammer.

You have the right to challenge unfairness. So take action and help organisations become more inclusive.

When to get in contact

Don't sit and stew on something that's happened. Get in touch with us as soon as you can, and we'll help you decide if and how you want to challenge what's happened. 

Unfortunately we can only help members in the UK with recent experiences, ie within the last 6 months.

How to get in touch

Tell us what happened using our Request for Support form below as soon as possible after the incident — the sooner the better. 

We'll review the incident and get back to you with suggestions for making an effective complaint. Or we'll ask follow up questions to help us work out the next move. Where appropriate, we can offer guidance on legal options.

Are you having difficulties using the form? Send a brief email to Or call our free Helpline on 0808 802 0002 and ask for the Advocacy Service to call you back.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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