STAMMA is a UK registered charity. Help us create a world that makes space for stammering.
As we don't receive government funding for the work we do, we depend on donations. The best way you can support us is with a regular gift. This ensures that thousands who stammer in the UK can access our specialist services.
Please use the form below to make a donation. If you aren't comfortable with donating online, call us on 020 8983 1003 or email hello@stamma.org for alternative ways.
£5 will pay for a call or webchat with a parent or someone needing support.
£10 will pay for our campaigns, such as calling for accessible services or representation in the media.
£150 will pay for accessibility training for call centres and companies.
Other ways you can give include: Gifts in Celebration, Giving in Memory, Legacy Giving or through Corporate Support.
Gifts in celebration
How about asking for donations to STAMMA instead of birthday or anniversary presents? You can ask for set amounts or let people choose according to their budget. Ask friends and family to complete the Gifts in Celebration form, so we know it's from you. Contact us to find out the final total raised in your name so you can see the difference you have made. Email fundraising@stamma.org.
Giving in memory
Giving in memory is a beautiful way to remember someone and support STAMMA. You can set up an online memorial or tribute page through muchloved.com. People can leave messages, share memories and upload photographs, whilst also sending a donation in memory of your loved one. We will always let you know the total money raised.
If you'd like a funeral collection in lieu of flowers, or to organise any other type of memorial event, get in touch. Email fundraising@stamma.org. Thank you for thinking of us at this time.
Legacy giving
Legacies have literally powered the expansion of our campaigns and services. Please consider leaving us a gift in your will. See our Legacy Giving page to find out more.
Corporate Support
Your company or workplace can also get involved. They can help to support the important work of delivering our services to the people who need us! Consider Matched Giving and match any funds raised for us by your employees. Or, set up Give As You Earn, so people can contribute to STAMMA directly from their wages.
Another way to support STAMMA is through donating gifts or services that help us save money! We are a small charity with a national reach, so we are always on the lookout for ways to cut running costs however we can.
Can your company offer us any service or product as a donation (Gifts in Kind)? This can be as helpful to us as financial support!
If you're interested in helping STAMMA in this way, email fundraising@stamma.org.uk today to discuss it in more detail. Thank you 😊
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