Major Donors

The donors supporting STAMMA's work.

Funding from major donors is vital to our work. It helps supports our services, campaigns and events for people who stammer.

Below is a list of Trusts and Foundations who are supporting STAMMA. If you would like to make a donation, please email 

29th May 1961 Charitable Trust

Annie Tranmer Charitable Trust

Baron Davenport Charity

Bartlett Taylor Charitable Trust

Boshier-Hinton Foundation

Charles and Elsie Sykes Trust 

Coward Endowment

The Felicity Wilde Charitable Trust

Fellows Hydes Charitable Trust

The Florence Turner Trust

FSJ Trust

Fulmer Charitable Trust

The Grocers Charity

Help for Health

The James Tudor Foundation

The Little Johnson Charitable Trust

Loseley Christian Trust

Marsh Charitable Trust

The Norman Family Charitable Trust

Paul Bassham Charitable Trust

Pear's Foundation

The Richard Kirkman Trust

The Roger & Douglas Turner Charitable Trust

The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust

Sandra Charitable Trust 

Sir James Knott Trust

Sir John & Lady Heathcoat Amory Charitable Trust

Sydney and Phyllis Goldberg Memorial Charitable Trust 

The Sylvia And Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust

Tay Charitable Trust

The W.E.D. Charitable Trust

Westfield Health


29th May 1961 Charitable Trust

The Ammco Charitable Trust 

Anson Charitable Trust

Arnold Clark Community Fund

February Foundation 

Forrester Family Trust

Boshier-Hinton Foundation

The Charles And Elsie Sykes Trust

Charles Littlewood Hill Trust

The Cumber Family Charitable Trust

D'oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Grace Trust

James T Howat Charitable Trust 

James Wise Charitable Trust

John James Bristol Foundation

The Lawson Trust

The Lee Smith Foundation

Marsh Charitable Trust

Mazars Charitable Trust

The Meikle Foundation

The N Smith Charitable Settlement

The National Lottery Community Fund

The Pamela Barlow Charitable Trust

Pear's Foundation

The Pilkington Charities' Fund

The Roger & Douglas Turner Charitable Trust

The Rothley Trust

Sackler Trust

The Sandra Charitable Trust

The Simon Gibson Charitable Trust

The Sir John Eastwood Foundation

Sir John & Lady Heathcoat Amory Charitable Trust

The Syder Foundation

Sydney & Phyllis Goldberg Memorial Charitable Trust

The Sylvia And Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust

Tay Charitable Trust

The Underwood Trust

WO Street Charitable Foundation

Westfield Charitable Trust.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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