Speech & Language Therapists
Passionate about stammering? We're here to support you in your work with people who stammer, whatever ages you work with.
Whether you're a qualified or student therapist, you're an important part of the stammering community.
We're a broad church here at STAMMA. We back the Stammering Pride movement but we also support those who want to find help for their stammer.
So please become a member — join us and help create a better world for people who stammer. It doesn't cost a thing!
Please encourage your clients to do the same — together we're stronger.
*We're currently looking for an SLT to volunteer on our helpline services. Read more and apply.
On this page:
How we can help you
Professional development
Articles from SLTs
Book reviews
How we can help you
SLT Networks
Below are STAMMA-run networks for speech & language therapists :
We have information leaflets for parents, children, young people and adults which you can read and share with others. Download our leaflets or order physical leaflets for free.
Local groups
Adult clients might well find it useful to join a local stammering group. Some welcome SLTs along too.
We've put together a handy list of the local groups in the UK. If there isn't a group in your area, you or others could set one up with our Start A Stammering Community guide.
The STAMMA Helpline & webchat
Anyone affected by stammering can make use of our free, confidential and anonymous helpline and webchat (open Mondays to Thursdays, 10am-2pm & 4pm-8pm) — so give us a ring or start a webchat if you've got a question.
Please do get your clients to call us to let off steam after a frustrating day, to tackle fears of using the phone or to practise speech techniques.
Make the helpline part of your therapy.
Participants for research
Are you looking for people to take part in your research or study? Whether you're an SLT student or a researcher, we can help. See Find Research Participants for details.
Other resources
Take a look at this interactive resource Let's talk about stammering from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. It sets out to 'bust myths and highlight evidence-based facts about stammering'.
Professional development
Want to develop your skills with working with people who stammer? Here are some suggestions:
Join the national and/or local clinical excellence networks. The National Dysfluency CEN offers members three study days a year held in different parts of the country for only £25 a year.
For details of your local clinical excellence network contact the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.
Attend a post-graduate course – here's a list of the main UK providers of post-graduate training in stammering therapy:
Become a European Fluency Specialist through the European Clinical Specialisation in Fluency Disorders one-year programme.
Articles from SLTs
Read our articles written by speech & language therapists and SLT students.
Therapy explained through the stammering onion
'Helping to develop a stammering app for parents'
'I can't wait to become an SLT and become part of the community'
'What do adults who stammer think about therapy?'
'Craig's suspected FND journey'
'Do girls & women cope differently with stammering than boys & men?'
'Speech & language therapists are vastly underappreciated'
'Medical vs. social model of disability: It shouldn't be "either-or"'
'Working with teenagers who stammer'
'Can therapists promote stammering acceptance while also providing therapy?'
'Speech therapy in prison: the therapist's story'
'Taking your child to a therapist: what to expect'
'Nursing resilience in children who stammer'
'Resilience: the art of bouncing back'
'The power of stammering podcasts'
Head over to our Your Voice section to read what people affected by stammering are talking about.
Would you like to write an article telling us about your work, studies or giving your opinion on something? You'd be most welcome. See how you can Submit Something For The Site.
Conferences are a great way of meeting and learning from people who stammer, researchers and therapists.
Our conference
The STAMMA National Conference runs every two years. Become a STAMMA member and we'll keep you updated with news of forthcoming events.
...Overall, I had a great experience; it was wonderful to engage with such inspirational people, participate in the workshops, socialise and relax in the bar in the evenings, sharing experiences. I'd recommend the conference to all my colleagues with an interest in the complex field of stammering...
An SLT writing about our Conference in 2012
International academic conferences
The Oxford Stuttering & Cluttering Research Conference is a great conference to attend if you're a speech & language therapist. You can attend for the whole event or just go for a day - the next one is in September 2025.
The European Clinical Specialisation in Fluency Disorders holds a symposium every two years in Antwerp, Belgium, so not too far from home.
Stuttering: the Croatia Clinical Symposium runs over three days featuring a master class demonstrations. For further information contact: asrc.croatiasymposium@uts.edu.au
International Conference on Stuttering is a three day event in Rome, for researchers and the professionals in the field of assessment and treatment of stammering.
The International Fluency Association organises an international conference every three years in different parts of the world. The next conference will be held in July 2021 in Montreal — better start saving!
Book reviews
Reviews of books for speech & language therapists:
'Stammering Resources for Adults & Teenagers: Integrating New Evidence into Clinical Practice', edited by Trudy Stewart (Routledge)