The Speech & Language Therapy Academics Network
The Speech & Language Therapy Academics Network brings together people who lecture in stammering.
The number of speech & language Therapy courses across the UK and Ireland is growing rapidly. At many universities, lecturers are expected to teach modules both on their areas of expertise and topics which interest them less. This means that at some universities, modules on stammering are taught by someone passionate about stammering, while at others, lecturers may feel less confident or knowledgeable about the topic.
Following demand from lecturers across the UK, here at STAMMA we want to create the first stammering network for academics. This will be a space for people who teach about stammering, eg on speech & language therapy courses, to share resources, knowledge and ideas and to help keep up to date with current research.
We want this to be a safe space for educators across the UK and Ireland to support one another. Where people passionate about stammering can help those who may feel less confident teaching this module themselves. Over time, we also hope to create a library of shared resources available for people to use in their lectures and tutorials.
If you are an academic specialising in stammering and would like to get involved, email catherine.woolley@stamma.org for more information and to be added to our mailing list.