A mother sitting on a sofa and speaking into a phone, with her young daughter sitting next to her
Jasmine & mum Heather

Donate Now To STAMMA

STAMMA is a UK registered charity. Help us create a world that makes space for stammering.

As we don't receive government funding for the work we do, we depend on donations. The best way you can support us is with a regular gift. This ensures that thousands who stammer in the UK can access our specialist services. 

Please use the form below to make a donation. If you aren't comfortable with donating online, call us on 020 8983 1003 or email for alternative ways.


£5 will pay for a call or webchat with a parent or someone needing support.

£10 will pay for our campaigns, such as calling for accessible services or representation in the media.

£150 will pay for accessibility training for call centres and companies.

Other ways you can give include: Gifts in Celebration, Giving in Memory, Legacy Giving or through Corporate Support.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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