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STAMMA CEO Jane Powell celebrates Joe Biden, a person who stammers, becoming President-elect of the United States of America.
Jack tells us how Covid-19 has affected his year, with uni work and jobs being disrupted, and face coverings and remote working being an issue. Despite that, he reflects on the good things that have happened in 2020 so far.
This year's International Stammering Awareness Day was an absolute blast. For those of you who managed to miss it (how in the world could that happen?), read our summary. 
Meeting other people who stammer transformed the way Kaitlin viewed her speech. Here she challenges the idea that she has to conform to expectations of fluency.
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Sat 5th Dec '20 1:00pm
A free collaborative online workshop for people who stammer & their friends and family, organised by School Of Beatbox, Stop Holding Back and the City Lit.
When Pearl chose to write about stammering to get into her first choice university, little did she know that she would end up connecting with part of her identity she’d never felt before.
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If you missed The Big Event, which we organised for International Stammering Awareness Day 2020, read all about it and watch it back here.
Watch two of our Patrons, authors Margaret Drabble and David Mitchell in conversation about the language around stammering.
Patrick argues for introducing new language to change public attitudes and perceptions of stammering.
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Last month we shared a poem from Sam, which made him something of a celebrity. But when he saw one headline describe him as a sufferer, Sam and his mum Victoria decided to do something about it.
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Happy International Stammering Awareness Day 2020! Find out what's happening.
Certain comments about James's stammer left a mark when he first heard them. But he's since learnt to look at them and respond in a different way, seeing them instead as an opportunity to inform people about stammering.
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