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John challenges the 'overcoming' narrative around stammering and shares the things that have helped him on his journey to freedom. 
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When she was bullied as a child, Allie found solace in the school music room. Now travelling the world as a professional singer, she urges us not to let stammering hold us back.
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Details and review of a new self-help book by Rob Grieve, for students and anyone else with a fear of public speaking. 
Speech is important for Ade's work as a change management professional. After getting help through speech & language therapy, he has learned to be himself and embrace the strengths his stammer gives him.
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Adam addresses some of the criticism towards Joe Biden, and tells us what a soon-to-be-President who has been open about his stammer means to him and the stammering community.
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U.S.-based Michelle gives an American perspective on Joe Biden winning the US Presidential election.
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Alan gives us his thoughts on Joe Biden, a person who stammers (PWS), becoming US President Elect, and looks at how he achieved it.
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Newly qualified nurse Abbey talks about her hospital training placements, seeing her confidence grow, and how rewarding the experience has been.
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When Jamie was being marked down for not saying his company's name when answering phone calls at work, he decided to address his stammer with the training team.
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Keith writes about how anxiety used to stop him from doing lots of things. Since being introduced to cognitive behaviour therapy, however, all that has changed.
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Vicky calls out the recruitment practices that disadvantage people who stammer, and offers some alternatives.
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Reaction and insight from our cousins across the pond to Joe Biden becoming President Elect.