Your Voice
Your Voice
Your articles on life with a stammer
Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.
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Your voice
Mon, 16/09/2019
Kyle talks about the challenges of leaving behind old support networks and making it on your own at uni.
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Thu, 12/09/2019
Jon puts forward the case for social media being a positive way for people who stammer to express themselves.
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Tue, 10/09/2019
Katri Somerjoki introduces her new song and talks about how she changed her view of stammering.
Wed, 04/09/2019
James Hayden, from New Orleans, writes a heartfelt letter to his stammer, explaining the impact it’s had and how he made peace with it.
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Mon, 02/09/2019
Award-winning teacher Abed offers tips for teachers on how to support a pupil who stammers.
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Thu, 29/08/2019
Firefighter Peter writes about going for his dream job and finding his voice in a high-pressured environment.
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Tue, 27/08/2019
Read a chapter from Nina G's new book 'Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn't Happen'.
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Thu, 22/08/2019
Speech and Language Therapist Jenny Packer explains what parents can expect when taking their child for a speech and language therapy assessment.
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Wed, 14/08/2019
An insurance broker who stammers has serious concerns about Voice Risk Analysis (VRA) systems and the effect they have on people who stammer.
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Tue, 13/08/2019
Sana Arshad talks about the effect her stammer had on her wellbeing, and how help from therapy and a local group has helped her to embrace it. "You are not alone."