My Story

Artist and writer Jonathan wonders how far stammering has influenced his career choice, and those of other creative professionals.
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John explains how an online programme transformed his attitude to stammering, in this article from 2014.
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After shop workers laughed at her stammer, Sandra decided enough was enough.
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Trevor and Wendy look back at what it was like to grow up with a brother or sister who stammers too.
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Since recently discovering he has a stammer, Sgt Adam Booth has devoted his time to raising awareness. Here he talks about the challenge he's set himself for October.
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Hass Draper writes about how putting himself in as many speaking situations as possible has helped him find career success. 
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Michael tells us how getting involved with a running event organisation helped with his confidence. Currently preparing for a marathon in June, find out how training's going, as well as how you can support or cheer Michael on.
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Negative thoughts about her stammer almost stopped Phyllis from pursuing her dream job. Here she writes about battling those thoughts and learning valuable lessons from the children she teaches.
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As a Clinical Research Nurse, John's job involves a lot of talking. Here he shares the things that have helped him to feel more comfortable whilst promoting covid vaccine confidence with patients.
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After some bad experiences because of his stammer, Chris left the education system feeling lost. Now with a fulfilling career as a postman, Chris writes about the volunteer course that turned things around.
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Abid dreaded the morning register at school. Nowadays it's him who takes it. Read about he grew in confidence to become a teacher himself.
Becoming a medical doctor seemed an unrealistic dream to Sophia. Here she tells us about deciding to go for it and stop hiding her stammer, and how her speech gives her an advantage with patients.
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