My Story

Gurpreet expresses how hard it can be to tell people he stammers and to get them to understand what it's like to stammer.
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As someone who stammered, Paul had never considered becoming a teacher. How then did he find himself standing in front of a class of 50 young people?
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Being interviewed for a podcast was a big step in Rebekah's journey of acceptance. In this honest article, she tells us just how difficult a journey it can be.
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Christine recounts her student days, when she did everything in her power to hide her stammer.
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Growing up, Farissi found that stammering and social anxiety formed an 'endless cycle'. Here he explains how his job as a doctor, and through meeting others, really helped him.
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Breakdancing (or 'breaking', to give it its proper name) is one of the things that's helped Chaz with his speech. He now uses dance to support young people in building self-esteem, social and leadership skills.
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As a child, Tony thought that speaking less would be the best thing because of his stammer. But here he explains how he learnt to push himself to speak.
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Naomi tells us how she uses social media to make a positive change for people who stammer.
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Semi-retired lecturer Alan tells us his numerous appearing on TV documentaries, and shares some of his passions and stammering pet peeves. 
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When most therapy options for mental health involve talking, this can be a major issue when you stammer, Byron highlights.
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Elliot gives advice and encouragement to anyone who wants to become a YouTuber like him.
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When she was bullied as a child, Allie found solace in the school music room. Now travelling the world as a professional singer, she urges us not to let stammering hold us back.
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