'Easy for you to say': my video

A man smiling, with insets of him doing amateur dramatics and presenting a radio show

Hospital radio presenter Rob Day tells us about making a video to encourage others who stammer. 

I have been involved in amateur dramatics and radio presenting for some years now and I came up with the idea of making a video that I hope will help people who stammer.

I wanted to tell my story and use my experience to show that even though you may stammer, you can still join in and perhaps get more confidence with your speech if you join an amateur dramatics club, for example, and take part in a play. I decided to chat with a friend of mine who used to work for the BBC and who was au fait with filming. I told him my idea of making of short video and he agreed to help.

I just want it to help and give an idea of what we as people who stammer can do.

We recorded part of the video, which is called 'Easy For You To Say' (watch it above), at the Radio Wey studio while I was live on air doing a programme dedicated to people who stammer, speech and language therapists, and STAMMA. As you can see from the video above, on the show I raised awareness of stammering and played excerpts from a recorded meeting I had with Ed Balls, who also stammers. We also filmed at my amateur dramatics club as I was rehearsing for a play.

I just want it to help and give an idea of what we as people who stammer can do.

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Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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