My Story

Becca tells us how exploring her feelings towards stammering helped her to view it differently.
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George tells us how playing a character who stammers in the theatre impacted his own speech and his attitude towards it.
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Liv tells us how taking on too much at work affected her speech confidence, and shares her tips for coping.
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Alex talks about finding acceptance by facing the things he fears and surrounding himself with the right people.
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Declan talks about the challenges he faces in his voluntary roles, as well as stammering in different languages.
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John talks about the abuse he was subject to and how he wishes authorities were more understanding.
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Ramesh reflects on the friendships he's made since setting up a stammering support group nearly two years ago.
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Ashley tells us about the advice from a stand-in therapist that helped him pursue his dream career in law.
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Victor, aka 'Seven Shores', talks about his love of music and how he hopes his song will help others who stammer. Listen here.
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Geoffrey describes his journey of self-discovery, having spent much of his early years feeling worthless.
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Waiswa feels that opportunities for people who stammer in Uganda are few. But his love of writing gives him hope.
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Tim tells us how stammering has a been a constant in his life, and how pushing himself to speak gave him confidence.
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