Go out and speak! The world needs your voice

Sylvia Chioma describes the moment that transformed her fear of stammering, setting her on a mission to raise awareness.
Hey friends! Grab your snacks and relax because I'm about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through my life — a life that's had its fair share of hiccups.
I want you to picture this: a little five-year-old me, standing in front of my class, trying to introduce myself. Instead of a charming little "Hi, I'm Sylvia!", I was more like "H-h-h-h-ello". Yep, that's right. Stammering joined the party nice and early, and it brought along a big bag of challenges. For nearly 28 years, it was the quirky little shadow that followed me everywhere — school, church, even the grocery store. Trust me, you haven't felt anxiety until you've stood in line, choking on your words while trying to place an order for turkey slices.
Growing up, stammering wasn't just inconvenient; it was like carrying a heavy backpack filled with bricks. I was that kid in school who would do everything to avoid speaking, dodging activities that required even a hint of verbal skills. Group projects? No, thanks! I'll just be over here in the corner, quietly wishing that group work involved more staring at my shoes than actual talking.
Presentations felt like I was auditioning for a horror movie and I was the main character.
And let's not even talk about university. Oh boy, there were some assignments that had me sweating bullets. I mean, defining projects? More like 'defining my own anxiety!' It was a disaster! Presentations felt like I was auditioning for a horror movie and I was the main character. I passed on countless opportunities because the thought of speaking in public turned my stomach into a pretzel. I lost out on jobs, friendships and experiences — all because I let fear about my stammer take the wheel.
My 'light blub' moment
Fast forward to my second year of uni. I had a moment. You know, one of those light bulb-over-your-head moments that makes you want to take over the world (or at least your public speaking fears). It all started when I got teased by some not-so-funny classmates during a presentation. They laughed at my struggle, and honestly, it felt like I had been tossed into the deep end of a swimming pool with no floaties. But instead of sinking, something clicked. I thought, "Oh, heck no! This ends now!"
I made a decision right then and there: no more letting my fear of stammering call the shots in my life. It was time to grab the bull by the horns (or the microphone, in my case). I decided to embrace my stammer and, like a superhero, I went for speaking gigs, customer service roles, any role involving speaking, you name it! My mantra? "If I trip over my words, I'll add some jazz hands for flair!"
I made a decision right then and there: no more letting my fear of stammering call the shots in my life.
And guess what? The more I spoke, the more I realised that stammering wasn't the villain here. Nope. It was just a tiny part of my life story, not the entire narrative. I started to reclaim my voice and my confidence. Seriously, I felt like I could finally breathe. For the first time in years, I discovered my hidden potential — a treasure chest of talents I'd stashed away because of fear.
My mission
But I didn't stop there. In 2014, I decided to channel all that newfound energy into something bigger. I founded a non-profit here in Nigeria where we go into schools and talk to kids, and media companies to raise awareness, spreading the word that stammering isn't a tragedy. It's just a part of life. And guess what? You can do awesome things even with a stammer! I mean, I've been living proof of that, right?
My mission became clear: let every person who stammers out there know that this brain isn't writing sentences to trip over. It's filled with dreams, aspirations, and the power to speak up and speak out. Whether it's through workshops, speeches or social media campaigns, I've been on a mission to educate and empower.
If you're reading this and you're struggling with a stammer or any speech issue, hear me out: Don't let it keep you down. Go out there and speak! I know it sounds easier said than done, but trust me, every little step counts. Say it, embrace it — be loud and proud! Life's too short to stay locked away in your shell and the world needs your voice.
So here's to the journey that's still unfolding. The growth, the laughs and even the stumbles. Keep smiling, keep speaking, and remember: our voices matter, in all their unique forms! Let's rock this adventure together!
Read more Your Voice articles from our supporters.
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