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RAF Corporal Howard on a common nightmare: having to introduce yourself at meetings.
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Asif tells us how changing the way he looks at his stammer led to success in his apprenticeship.
Speech & language therapy student Angelica on having the determination to achieve what you want.
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Bernadette talks about the uncertainty she felt when finding help for her son's stammer.
Roger has beef with modern voice-activated gadgets.
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Claire tells us why she founded a network for students and university staff who stammer.
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Stefan Biernat talks about things on his mind, as well as his dream job.
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Introducing the new initiative for the north of England.

The Scottish Stammering Network have launched a hard-hitting campaign showing the real effects of stammering.

The first to run wearing a Stamma running vests, Libby Orrett has raised over £1,000 for the BSA and CALM in the London Marathon in April.
Patrick Campbell on what people who stammer can teach others.
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Music teacher Andrew Clarke talks about landing the job of his dreams.
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