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What impact does stammering have on a person's career, social life and mental and emotional well-being? Here are the research findings.
An interactive art project giving a voice to those who stammer.
Paul Thompson talks about the highs and lows of working in customer-facing jobs.
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CEO Jane Powell reports back from the World Congress for People Who Stutter, Iceland.
Watch the documentary made by Michael Derrig-Adams and read about what inspired him.
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Robert defied his careers advisor to succeed in his career and rise through the Freemasonry ranks.
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The inimitable Scroobius Pip has become our latest Patron. The Actor, rapper and podcaster has been a log supporter of the BSA and presented our 2018 BBC Lifeline Appeal.
Read about Abed Ahmed, who won a New Teacher of the Year award, and watch him on ITV's This Morning.
Mon 9th Sep '19 6:30pm

An evening drop-in session where you can find out about stammering therapy courses at London’s City Lit.

Erin, winner of a top public speaking competition, makes her case for people who stammer being the perfect communicators.
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Adversity at work forced Michelle to consider other options. But was it all to do with her stammer?
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Our Comms Director Kate Dickson caught the train to the inaugural Northern Stammerhouse event this June and reports back.