Outreach service during isolation
We know that being isolated can really impact on fluency and wellbeing. That's why we want to reach out to our members and check in during the Covid-19 health crisis.
We would like to offer a friendly phone call, or a series of short phone calls, to those members who may be feeling particularly isolated at the moment.
If you are interested, this is what we'd like to provide:
- Up to three phone calls between now and mid-May 2020 from someone on our Helpline team.
- We can call you on a weekday between 10am-12noon or 6pm-8pm, whichever you'd prefer, but we can't promise dates or times.
- Calls will ideally last around 10-15 minutes. We know telephone calls can be difficult so we're flexible on time.
If you haven't already done so, click here to become a member for free.
How it would work
Someone from our helpline team will give you a call — they are all trained volunteers who either stammer themselves or have a close connection with stammering — and you can chat about whatever you want. When we call you, your phone will display the number ‘0808 802 0002’ or ‘British Stammering Association’.
We may occasionally monitor calls as part of our regular helpline monitoring procedures.
Download our Stamma Outreach Terms of Service (pdf) for more information.
*Please note this service is now closed*