Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Read why Jo created a world where they could find acceptance, a sense of identity and a way to represent stammering.
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Sportswriter Ryan tells us about interviewing his favourite ice hockey players team in L.A.
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To celebrate yesterday's International Women's Day, one of our longest-standing and most active volunteers Christine Simpson talks about rising through the ranks in her profession, feminism, starting a group for women who stammer, and what helps her.
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Having studied in Spain, Ronan Miller believes that some behaviours of people who stammer can actually help in learning a foreign language, and offers ten tips.
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Amber explores the question that divides the stammering community and explains why it's one she struggles to answer.
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Callum tells us about finding peace with his stammer last year and how it's inspired him to make big plans for 2020.
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For the last four years, Phillip Cole's stammering-based New Year's resolutions haven't lasted very long (until the end of January, usually). What has he resolved to do for 2020?
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In this season of gift giving and receiving, US-based James Hayden asks the question: if stammering is a gift, what has it given him?
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BSA Communications Director Kate Dickson reflects on the recent news story about Game of Thrones actor John Bradley and his experience of stammering, and questions his decision to give his character a stammer.
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Pavlos Klapsis talks about what it feels like to have a sibling who stammers, something which he says isn't talked about much, and how it influenced his decision to become a speech & language therapist.
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When philosophy graduate Phillip googled the definition of stammering, he was angered by what he read.
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Dori shares her regrets about making fluency the goal when her son started stammering, and explains what she would do differently.
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