A young man taking a selfie photograph

Your Voice

A young man taking a selfie photograph

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Claire writes about coping with having to make more calls now she's working from home and how it's affecting her mental health.
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William tells us how social distancing is affecting his speech and how he's adapting to working from home.
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Being unable to use his usual coping strategies, Mark Limbert talks about the effect social distancing is having on his stammer, and the challenges he now faces.
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Speech & Language Therapist and Mum, Jaclyn Morton, argues that we need to change the language we use with our children who stammer.
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Read why Jo created a world where they could find acceptance, a sense of identity and a way to represent stammering.
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Sportswriter Ryan tells us about interviewing his favourite ice hockey players team in L.A.
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To celebrate yesterday's International Women's Day, one of our longest-standing and most active volunteers Christine Simpson talks about rising through the ranks in her profession, feminism, starting a group for women who stammer, and what helps her.
Having studied in Spain, Ronan Miller believes that some behaviours of people who stammer can actually help in learning a foreign language, and offers ten tips.
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Amber explores the question that divides the stammering community and explains why it's one she struggles to answer.
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Callum tells us about finding peace with his stammer last year and how it's inspired him to make big plans for 2020.
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For the last four years, Phillip Cole's stammering-based New Year's resolutions haven't lasted very long (until the end of January, usually). What has he resolved to do for 2020?
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In this season of gift giving and receiving, US-based James Hayden asks the question: if stammering is a gift, what has it given him?
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