Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
University lecturer Jonathan Ives talks about realising that what he says is more important than how he says it, and argues that fluency shouldn’t be our main goal.
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Jack talks about finding an outlet in acting, growing in confidence, finding acceptance and his relationship anxieties.
Roger Simmonds shares memories from his speech therapy over the years - the helpful and the not so helpful. 
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Rahul talks about making peace with stammering. 
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Patrick talks about discovering new ways to view stammering and what led him to co-edit a new book.
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Maggie hoped going to university in New Orleans would allow her to start a new life, one in which stammering didn't define her.
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Katri Somerjoki introduces her new song and talks about how she changed her view of stammering.
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James Hayden, from New Orleans, writes a heartfelt letter to his stammer, explaining the impact it’s had and how he made peace with it.
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Firefighter Peter writes about going for his dream job and finding his voice in a high-pressured environment.
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Read a chapter from Nina G's new book 'Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn't Happen'.
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Sana Arshad talks about the effect her stammer had on her wellbeing, and how help from therapy and a local group has helped her to embrace it. "You are not alone."
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Senior Trade Union Official Gary talks about how putting himself forward for speaking opportunities at work. 
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