Blog Lists

A poem for National Mental Health Awareness Week from Anita, who also tells us the story behind it.
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As a Clinical Research Nurse, John's job involves a lot of talking. Here he shares the things that have helped him to feel more comfortable whilst promoting covid vaccine confidence with patients.
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After some bad experiences because of his stammer, Chris left the education system feeling lost. Now with a fulfilling career as a postman, Chris writes about the volunteer course that turned things around.
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Lynne gives her opinion on the portrayal of stammering in the popular Netflix series Bridgerton. 
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Abid dreaded the morning register at school. Nowadays it's him who takes it. Read about he grew in confidence to become a teacher himself.
Becoming a medical doctor seemed an unrealistic dream to Sophia. Here she tells us about deciding to go for it and stop hiding her stammer, and how her speech gives her an advantage with patients.
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Peter gives us an update after almost a year volunteering on our helpline and webchat support team.
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James writes about the benefits of telling people he stammers. He just wishes he started doing it sooner.
After losing his self-esteem as a teenager, Uchenna worked on his mindset towards stammering. Now a successful public speaker, he tells us how it's helped him achieve his ambitions.
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