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What's new
If you're anxious about coming to our conference, STAMMAFest Global, on 24th-28th August, or if you're in two minds about booking because you're unsure what to expect, you're not alone.
Paul tells us how the togetherness he felt whilst attending a stammering conference in the USA inspired him.
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A nationwide scheme that lets you discreetly tell others that you have a hidden condition and need patience. Find out how to get a lanyard for yourself.
While researching for his PhD, Thomas realised how much speech therapy in the past was tied to empire and racism.
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It's Trustee election time again. Read about each of the candidates here before voting and watch our hustings events.
Mon 4th 7:00pm-Tue 5th Jul '22 8:30pm

Your chance to meet and put your questions to the candidates standing in this year's Trustee election.

The brand new STAMMA Educators' Stammering Network aims to raise awareness within schools and universities. You don't have to work in education to join.
Read Tim's powerful poem about learning to accept his stammer.
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With lots of stammering groups starting to meet in person again after two years, our Network & Campaigns Lead Vee says now is a great time to join one.
Bhupinder's vlog about stammering in group situations.
James describes those all too familiar times when it's hard to express yourself the way you want to.
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Tue 21st Jun '22 7:30pm–8:30pm

*This event has ended. See our Events page for upcoming workshops.