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We are thrilled to introduce our new Patron, the osteopath James Davies, who has treated many top celebrities. Read about James and watch our interview with him.
Tue 20th Sep '22 2:00pm
A Zoom session for anyone at university who stammers.
Following our STAMMAFest conference, Kirsten Howells reflects on how she first realised there were others out there who stammered too, and encourages other speech & language therapists (SLTs) to help plant a sense of community.
Sun 18th Sep '22 11:00am
Join the STAMMA Striders group for a 5 mile walk near Stoke on Trent.
A review of the book 'The Stuttering Coach', by Martin Scott. Review by speech & language therapist Hannah Thomas
Meet James Davies, who we're proud to say is a new STAMMA Patron.
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Martin tells us about using his experience of coaching football to write a children's book. Plus, read a review of Martin's book.
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Phyllis tells us about building on the success of a public speaking event.
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Tom tells us how he feels about starting university and the technique that helped him with his Oxford interview.
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Do you stammer and identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning or ace (LGBTQ+), or are you an ally? Vee invites you to join a safe space discussion in September.
Lauren tells us what she hopes to get from our upcoming conference STAMMAFest Global.
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The results of the 2022 STAMMA Trustee Election are in! Find out who has been voted to serve on the Board.