Footballer Ken Sema talks to STAMMA
Watch our chat with the Watford FC midfielder Ken Sema, who went viral in February when a post-match interview where he stammered openly prompted a positive online response.
Ken talks about that interview with STAMMA member Rob Coe, which you can watch above. He also chats about achieving success as a professional footballer who stammers, fatherhood, second languages, and what advice he'd give to his 13-year-old self.
STAMMA's Neha Shaji introduces the video — read her blog about meeting Ken and the media reaction to his stammer. Rob Coe is the founder of the Cambridge Self-help Group for Adults who Stammer.
You can also watch fellow footballer, Leeds FC's Luke Ayling, chatting about his stammer with other sports personalities.
This video was filmed at Watford FC's training ground by Bel Rickard, who also edited it.
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