City Lit
City Lit is an adult education centre in London offering specialist stammering therapy courses, workshops and evening classes.
What ages is it for?
Adults - aged 18+
What does it do?
City Lit offers a wide range of courses for people who stammer and provides opportunity to work on speech within a supportive group and to develop confidence in your communication skills.
Therapy combines strategies to manage stammering with approaches to support changes in thoughts and feelings about speaking. These include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Therapy is offered as an intensive daytime course or evening class. At the end of each course, people go away with a variety of tools for managing stammering that they can take forward into their lives.
Topic based evening classes and workshops are also available and these could be helpful to many people who stammer whether they have already attended a City Lit course or are enrolling for the first time. These include Public Speaking, Assertiveness, Managing Stammering in the Workplace, Improvisation, Speaking Circles, Mindfulness for people who stammer.
Note: City Lit does not believe in a ‘quick fix’ for stammering, but knows that ongoing therapy and group support can help people make life-long changes.
Who delivers the course?
A team of experienced Speech and Language Therapists specialising in stammering, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.
When and where are courses held?
Courses are offered throughout the year at City Lit, 1-10 Keeley St, London WC2B 4BA.
How much does it cost?
Initial appointments: free.
Courses range from £79 for a one-day course, to £289 for a 7-day intensive course.
Concessionary rates are available, as are early bird offers and bursaries. See website below for details.
Where can I find out more?
To book a free advisory session, email speechtherapy@citylit.ac.uk or phone 020 7492 2578.
Visit the City Lit website.
City Lit is one of the options available for stammering. For the full list of options, see our One-to-one Adult Speech & Language Therapy and Adult Group Stammering Courses pages.
Articles from City Lit attendees
Read these articles from our members who have been on a City Lit course: