Helpline, webchat & email support for stammering. Free, confidential and anonymous.
Our opening hours are Mondays to Thursdays, 10am-2pm & 4pm-8pm.
Call free on 0808 802 0002 right now
Email us anytime at help@stamma.org
It may take us up to 3 days to respond.
How did we do?
Give us your feedback. Any comments or suggestions will help us improve our support services.
We're here for you
We're here to answer your questions, listen and help you find information. Chat with us online or over the phone to:
- talk about what's on your mind
- find out about therapy & courses
- get support for you or your child
- practise talking more, or practise a technique
- talk through a job interview
- gain confidence on the phone
- talk about worries at work, school, college or uni.
- speak with us even if you just fancy a chat!
Talk to someone who knows about stammering. We do not use chatbots — our services are staffed by trained volunteers who either stammer, have a relative who stammers, or have worked in the field.
Take as long as you need. If you block at the start of the phone call, don't hang up. We get what it's like to stammer.
Please see our Support Service Terms and Privacy Policy.
Looking for answers now?
See our Stammering Help or About Stammering sections.
STAMMA is a member of the Helplines Partnership.
More in this section
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Any questions?
We're here to help. Start a webchat or call our helpline free on 0808 802 0002, both open Mondays to Thursdays 10am-2pm and 4pm-8pm. Or email help@stamma.org.
We also have information leaflets you can download or order.