Our Trustees
Meet the STAMMA Board of Trustees and find out about their roles, backgrounds and interests.
Please note: Joanna Gaukroger has stepped down as Chair for health reasons. We wish her all the very best.
Roger Pim, Chair
Appointed in July 2024. Took over as Chair in October 2024.
About Me

I was born in Northern Ireland but following a spell in London I've lived in Edinburgh for the past 22 years with my wife and four children aged 11 to 17. I love the outdoors and am passionate about most sports, albeit that typically entails trying (and failing) to keep up with my children, be it running, windsurfing, hiking or sailing to name but a few. I work in infrastructure finance, focusing on renewable energy and de-carbonisation strategies across Europe.
My role
My role is to work closely with other Trustees and the Senior Leadership Team to help develop and continue STAMMA's strategy. This will include undertaking a range of initiatives including one-to-one support, training and public education designed to generate the maximum benefit for the membership and the wider stammering community.
My interest in stammering
Growing up I had a very severe stammer and during my teenage years I struggled to speak at all. I have been very fortunate and with the loving support of family, friends and the wider stammering community, I've been able to pursue my dreams. Ironically, I find myself in a career involving extensive public speaking and presenting. Over the years I have been on every course and have experienced the challenges first hand. As a result I am very keen to repay the support I have received over the years.
My vision for STAMMA
I would like to build on the great work that has been done by STAMMA over recent years. My vision is to continue this great work and ensure that we have a thriving organisation that is able not only to provide support and help to members and the wider stammering community, but also to help drive greater public awareness of stammering and effect the necessary societal change.
Paul Fix, Vice Chair
Appointed in 2022.
About me

I am originally from Essex but moved to Kent in 2010, so I spend a lot of time crossing the Thames to visit family and friends. I have one daughter and as a family of three, we spend lots of time travelling and seeing the world.
In my day job I'm Head of People Development and Volunteering for a national charity; working with people and making sure they fulfil their potential is at the core of what I enjoy doing. In addition to STAMMA I'm a local trustee of a Scout Group (where my daughter is a Beaver!) and I lead a national project for another charity looking at the Culture of Volunteering.
My role
Being appointed Interim Chair by the Trustees is a privilege, especially at this exciting moment when we are launching our new strategy 'Space To Stammer' 2024-2027. In addition to chairing the Board, I am a member of the Finance and Membership Committees. I work in partnership with the CEO to ensure the charity delivers on our vision and mission.
My interest in stammering
I have always had a stammer and it's obvious; I don't try and hide it, it's part of who I am and how I talk. I have been a member of STAMMA since 2020 and was originally involved with supporting the CEO to recruit and interview staff. I ran workshops at the 2022 STAMMAFest and was interviewed on GB news to promote the event (pictured).

My vision for STAMMA
I'm passionate about ensuring STAMMA continues to grow, develop and maximise its potential by working with our members and volunteers.
Deborah Johnston MBE,
Appointed in 2022
About me

I was born in London (and living there again now), I'm of dual heritage (Irish/Pakistani) and I lived for almost a decade in Southern Africa. My husband of more than 25 years is from Yorkshire, so Wakefield is my second home. I have two children (one of whom stammers), a Yorkshire Terrier and two cats. I love art and craft and all things creative.
I am the Deputy Vice Chancellor of a university and professor of development economics, and I sit on several sectoral groups looking at disability. I'm also a member of the international public speaking club Toastmasters. I became a Distinguished Toastmaster in 2020 and have started public speaking groups at my last two universities. Everything from an accent to a speech difference can be perceived negatively. I think that for some people, acquiring public speaking skills can be empowering and I love to watch people grow in confidence.
My role
I'm really honoured to be Interim Vice Chair. In this role, I support the Chair and lead particular projects. I am on the Finance Committee and I chair the Fundraising Committee. For me, this is important as we want a vibrant, sustainable institution that will be there well into the future, supporting all those affected by stammering.
My interest in stammering
I was first involved with STAMMA in the mid-1990s (when it was the British Stammering Association), after I went on a City Lit stammering therapy course. My special interest is stammering and education, particularly at university. I've worked with the brilliant Claire Maillet from Stammerers Through University Consultancy (STUC) and and others to provide more information for students and staff. I was particularly pleased when STUC, STAMMA and London South Bank University (my university) published a guide for university staff in 2021. I also facilitated a webinar on creating inclusive environments for people who stammer in 2022.
My vision for STAMMA
My vision is that our way of speaking (in all diversity) is simply accepted in the future; and that people with a stammer will realise that they are not alone and, if they want help, that STAMMA is there for them.
Note: Deborah was awarded an MBE in the 2024 New Years Honour's for her work supporting students who stammer.
Mandy Taylor
Elected in 2022
About me

I am originally from Northern Ireland and moved to Cheshire 9 years ago after meeting my now husband through the stammering community. I have two sons, two step sons and a miniature dachshund called Peanut. We enjoy spending time at our caravan in Morecambe, where I try to keep up my running and walking across the beautiful surrounding landscapes. Other things I enjoy are cooking, quiz nights and playing daft games with the kids.
For my day job, I work in finance for an estate management company. I am also the Treasurer for a local nursery school which my youngest son attended.
My role
I currently sit on the Finance Committee, which involves reviewing the financial data for the charity, discussing and approving budgets, forecasting etc. I'm also part of the Trustee Support Group, which supports new Trustees and helps to support the election process.
My interest in stammering

I stammer, I have been a member of BSA/STAMMA since 2011 and this is my third term as a Trustee over the last 12 years. My special interest has been children and families as my own family has numerous members that stammer.
Over the years I have been involved in the Giving Voice campaign in Northern Ireland, a Belfast support group, the walking group STAMMA Striders, and I've attended conferences and fundraising events in London (pictured below), Manchester, Glasgow and Iceland.
My vision for STAMMA
Being on the Board of Trustees is a fantastic opportunity to continue the work and progression of STAMMA. I look forward to seeing our charity continue to bring stammering forward to wider audiences, making the difference to all generations of people who stammer.
Alexander Harrison
Elected in 2022
About me

I'm from Manchester originally but have lived in Sheffield now for 8 years. A lot of that time I've spent studying and filling my free time with visits to our fantastic local pubs and going on city breaks across the UK. I have nearly finished my training to become a speech & language therapist and plan to work with adults who need support with their communication or eating, drinking and swallowing.
My role
As well as sitting on the Board, I'm on the Fundraising sub-committee. This was set up to maximise membership fundraising, and we work as a team of three Trustees alongside STAMMA staff members.
My interest in stammering
I've stammered since I can remember, so STAMMA seems like my natural home! I experienced 10+ years of speech & language therapy, and now I'm luckily in the position to be a healthcare professional and use my lived experience to help change outcomes for people who communicate differently.

My vision for STAMMA
I want to help make STAMMA a truly diverse and inclusive organisation, using my position as Trustee to ensure that we speak for all people who stammer, including those from minoritised groups, such as certain ethnic and cultural backgrounds and LGBTQIA+. I hope to prove that it's OK to stammer openly. We have nothing to be ashamed of.
Allison Burrow
Elected in 2023
About Me

I am from, and still live in, Romford in Essex, I am married and have 2 grown up daughters. My day job is as the Finance & Administration Manager for the Jack Petchey Foundation, a charitable foundation based in London. I love a musical and spending time with family and friends.
My role
As well as being a trustee board member I sit on the Finance committee.
My interest in stammering
I have stammered for as long as I can remember and use various techniques to help me. I wish for all people who stammer to feel confident in themselves irrespective of their speech and to be treated equally.
My vision for STAMMA
My vision is that STAMMA continues to grow to enable ALL people who stammer to get the support they need WHEN they need it.
Ahmad Bismillah
Appointed in 2023
About Me

I live in London and design, develop and deliver portfolios, programmes and projects for a regional authority. I enjoy visiting cities, immersing myself in local culture and meeting new people. When I'm not out cycling, playing badminton, football or cricket, I enjoy spending time with family — though my cat would beg to differ!
My interest in stammering
I stammer. I'm interested in the clinical context and the work of speech & language therapists. Stammering has become a bigger part of my life in the last few years so I also want to connect with and have conversations with others like me.
My vision for STAMMA
STAMMA should be a warm cosy home for people who stammer, and a welcoming place for those who want to support them. Raising awareness of who we are, and how the organisation can support its members in all aspects of life when they need it, is something I'm particularly passionate about.
Dean Ridge
Elected in 2023
About Me

I'm a lifelong resident of Sheffield and am married with an 18-year-old son. I am a keen walker and enjoy the outdoors and like to get out as much as I can into the peak district and surrounding areas. My day job is as an IT Service Escalations Manager for a national estate agent.
My interest in stammering
I have stammered all my life but didn't really come to terms with it until later in life. Since becoming involved in the stammering community I have been involved in organising events ranging from local group awareness-raising events to international conferences. I have also given lectures to speech & language therapy students at Universities and have spoken about stammering on live radio on numerous occasions. I also co-run the STAMMA Striders walking group (pictured).

My vision for STAMMA
I'm passionate about growing the size of our stammering community. I want every person who stammers out there to know what an amazing and friendly community we have and for them to be a part of it. I also want to increase the number of social events that STAMMA arranges as I feel that these are vital for bringing the stammering community together and widening our reach.
Penny East
Appointed in February 2024
About Me

I have headed up communications and external relations teams for charities for the last fifteen years, working in areas such as domestic abuse, mental health, sport for change projects and also for grant-giving bodies like Comic Relief and the Lottery. I sit on a project board for a national domestic abuse programme and am currently the External Relations Director of a mental health charity.
I live in Essex in an old cottage with my husband and two young sons. I am trying to do up my house, learn to cook (properly), and gain an extensive knowledge of Marvel characters (to gain the respect of my kids).
My interest in stammering
I have always been interested in stammering, and have long admired the work and impact of STAMMA. I have close family members who stammer.
I hope to bring external relations expertise across communications, policy and fundraising to STAMMA, and ensure its excellent brand is being fully utilised so campaigns are won and STAMMA's impact is more widely known.
My vision for STAMMA
I want to help challenge discrimination and ensure everyone who stammers has equal access to all education, health and employment opportunities. STAMMA is a remarkable organisation, and I hope to help build its profile and increase its influence and income.
Lucy Weldon
Elected in July 2024
About me

Originally from near Oxford, I now live in London with my boyfriend and our Border Terrier called Terry. I'm super active and enjoy spending time outdoors, getting out of London when I can. I love walking, hiking, running and especially skiing and I spend as much time as I can in the mountains in the winter! I work in finance, specifically in the wealth management industry where I am a relationship manager at a multi-family office.
My interest in stammering
Whilst I do not stammer myself, I have been around stammering my whole life as my younger brother has stammered from a young age. I have witnessed first-hand the challenges he has dealt with and as he graduates from university and enters the world of work, I am increasingly aware that the way he views his stammer may change as he faces new challenges, especially related to applying for corporate jobs.

My role
During my time as a Trustee, I hope to be able to leverage the skills I have developed and network I have created within the broader financial services industry to support STAMMA's plan to transform the way organisations work to include people who stammer.
My vision for STAMMA
I'd love to raise awareness of stammering in the corporate world, changing the perception of and reducing prejudice against non-fluent speaking in interviews and the workplace. I aim to make the transition to the corporate world easier for young people who stammer, allowing them equal career opportunities to their fluent speaking peers.
Oliver Wills
Elected July 2024
About me

I was brought up in Devon and graduated from the University of Exeter in 2022 with a degree in Liberal Arts and Anthropology. Since then, I have moved to Cardiff to fulfil a lifelong dream to work for the Welsh Rugby Union. I work in the ticketing team, helping thousands of fans every year experience the best stadium in the world. Outside of work I enjoy playing the drums and I create electronic music. I also love exploring the hills and beaches of South Wales, a dw i’n dysgwr Cymraeg nawr hefyd!
My interest in stammering
I have stammered since I was a child and, although I consider my stammer more covert now, I am very aware of how much it still affects me. Since being a member of STAMMA, I have learned a lot about myself and my experiences, how stammering works and about the society we should create for those that stammer.

My role
I hope that my experience in customer service and administration can contribute to STAMMA's objectives. I am interested in how customer-facing organisations can help accommodate and understand stammering, and how our culture can support those who stammer more than it currently does.
My vision for STAMMA
I passionately believe in the aims and missions of STAMMA, and am proud to be part of the team that helps to deliver them. I feel STAMMA can continue to be a truly progressive, inclusive and forward-thinking organisation that can leave a lasting legacy in society.
Cate Birch
Appointed in July 2024
About me

I'm originally from London but moved to North Yorkshire when our children were young. As well as work and family life, I love attending all live performance — theatre, ballet, music and I'm also a keen ice skater. I'm also a Trustee of our Quaker School Foundation, helping to oversee effective fundraising and distribution of funding.
My role
I'm joining the Board with a particular focus on fundraising. It's something I've worked in since graduating in the late 90s, securing investment from a wide range of donors for many different charities. I still find the fundraising process and what motivates people to give fascinating and I'm currently leading fundraising for the incredible York Minster Cathedral.
I'm looking forward to help support STAMMA to bring more essential investment from donors to maintain and develop the crucial services and activities it provides.
My interest in stammering
I'm the parent of a young adult who stammers. STAMMA have been incredibly helpful and supportive to us as a family for a number of years and I'm delighted to be able to give something back.
I attended the STAMMAFest conference in 2022 with my daughter and was incredibly impressed with the global community spirit, creativity, and honest and supportive debate. I'm looking forward very much to broadening my understanding of stammering and helping to ensure long term sustainability for the charity.
My vision for STAMMA
I'd love to see a much greater understanding of stammering by wider society and organisations, with discrimination continuing to be challenged and information and support readily available to everyone. I'd also like to see more people able to recognise stammering and to know how best to respond when someone stammers, to create a more inclusive society.
Fiona Stewart
Appointed in July 2024
About me

I'm from Manchester originally and I live in west London with my wife. We both love our jobs and at weekends we spend as much time as we can with friends and family — enjoying what London, nature and a well-stocked fridge has to offer.
My role
Understanding the challenges and making the changes needed in society to give people the space to stammer is no small task. It's going to take time and significant investment. As a professional fundraiser I hope to support STAMMA in finding the financial investment it needs to get the job done.
My interest in stammering
It is important to me that I connect with the organisations I work with and that their values and strategy for change fit with my own. I had a stammer from being a child to a young adult, and I understand the many challenges faced by people who stammer. There are people who are proud to stammer and people who would prefer to be fluent. Regardless, everyone deserves equal opportunities, patience and respect.
My vision for STAMMA
A society in which there is no prejudice, discrimination or stigma, where people who stammer are treated with respect and dignity. And where institutions and communities are inclusive and accessible — taking the struggle out of everyday situations like ordering a coffee or calling the bank.
Of the Trustees listed, Lucy, Penny and Cate do not stammer. Go to Trustee Tenures to see when each Trustee's term comes to an end.