Running for STAMMA
13th June 2019
Michael Smith and Lucy Dyson, two of our Team STAMMA runners at the Manchester 10k in May, tell us about their training regimes and how the day went.

Being a keen and experienced runner who has ran many races from 5k to half marathons, I had a realistic time in mind that I wanted to achieve at the Manchester 10k (under 35 minutes).
My reasons for doing this as part of Team STAMMA were simple. Growing up with a stammer, I know first-hand how difficult it can be for young children and teenagers, with just trying to fit in. I wanted to use my love of running to help raise awareness.
My training involved running multiple 10k sessions with the addition of recovery runs and long runs of up to 15 miles.
Meeting up with everybody went well and I had a few shocked looks when I told them my target time!
The final week before the event was all about rest and recovery so that I was fresh on the start line. My only concern and worry was about meeting and speaking with the rest of the STAMMA team.
Thankfully my wife was there – she’s great and I can rely on her to help ‘break the ice’. Meeting up with everybody went well and I had a few shocked looks when I told them my target time!
After group photos it was time to warm up and head to the start line. I was with the elites (some of the best runners in the world)! Off went the gun. The support from the crowd around the course was strong and I heard Team STAMMA cheer us on at around the 2k mark.
I came in at a respectable 70th position, with a time of 35:27 (just missing that target). The whole of the team had great runs and raised lots of money.

When my colleagues Maddie and Judy and I saw the call for Manchester 10k runners, we jumped at the chance to rise to the challenge! Not only was it an opportunity to support the launch of Stamma, but also to raise money for an excellent cause and get slightly fitter in the process.
We managed to do some regular training runs, building up to six miles in preparation for the big day. Despite a cancelled train we made it to Manchester in time. The event was much bigger than any of us had expected. The atmosphere was really uplifting beforehand, and there was constant support from the crowd along the route, including some familiar faces from the Doncaster Stammering Association.
We managed to weave our way through the throngs of runners and Judy even managed to high-five Clint Boon from the Inspiral Carpets on the way! To top it off, it was brilliant to meet the other runners and BSA members afterwards for a drink and chat, and hear about everyone’s stories.
We hope to wear our new Stamma vests with pride at another event soon, and would love to enter with an even bigger team next time round! Many thanks to the BSA for an excellent day!
If you’d like to run for Stamma at an event, email fundraising@stamma.org and we’ll send you a running vest.
Photos courtesy of Neil Harrison.