Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Steph tells us how she uses a metaphor to help parents take a more accepting approach to stammering.
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Hannah tells us the story behind her son Jude's book 'I Didn't Ask For Beans'.
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Heidi writes about the barriers she faced when entering the mental health profession with a stammer.
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Dima tells us how skateboarding has done wonders for her son Sasha's confidence.
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Neil tells us what he and his children got out of our last Family Day.
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A handwritten and illustrated story from 8-year-old Sarah about her stammer.
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David on how becoming a father has impacted his speech and dealing with negative feelings this has caused.
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Speech & Language Therapist Jaclyn tells us about working on the app.
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Heather tells us what she'll be doing differently to help her daughter feel more comfortable with her speech.
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Read Heather's reflections a year on from seeking support for her daughter from STAMMA.
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Amanda writes about her daughter's journey with therapy and the lessons she's learnt.
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Heather tells us how sharing experiences with other parents has helped her to support her daughter. 
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