Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Alistair tells us how the lack of stories about stammering led him to write and illustrate his own children's book.
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When Craig started stammering in his 40s, his therapist put it down to Functional Neurological Disorder. But what is it?
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Read Rachel's visual puzzle poem, written after reaching a place where she can talk openly about her stammer.
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Working on a suicide helpline has led Bill to wonder how prevalent the issue is within the stammering community.
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Read Nicole's poem about misconceptions and attitudes to stammering, as well as coming to terms with and accepting it.
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After a lifetime feeling ashamed of his stammer, Tim says a revolution is needed if we want things to change.
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Jack's passion for broadcasting has led him to work on TV shows including Newsround, Blue Peter and Say Yes To The Dress. It's all about dreaming big and working hard, he says.
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What would Anita say to her younger self, worried about her stammer and her place in the world? Read her poem.
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Saadhika tells us how psychological approaches to therapy helped her to deal with a difficult time in her life.
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Chris tells us about starting to see his stammering from other peoples' perspective.
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Amelia's list of the least helpful things to do when speaking with someone who stammers.
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Paul, from the Birmingham Stammering Support Group, tells us his idea for getting people talking at local groups.
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