Our videos for supporting pupils who stammer

Maddie Pike and speech & language therapist (SLT) Anna Prince tell us about collaborating on a set of training videos for teachers.
"Here at Sirona care & health CIC (providing NHS services), our Stammering Team wanted to create some teacher training videos to raise awareness about stammering, and to give teachers practical suggestions about how to support pupils who stammer", says SLT Anna Prince. "We wanted young people who stammer to be at the front and centre of the piece, rather than us as therapists. We were so pleased that Maddie was keen to be a part of the project and we met a few times to create the content together."
Maddie says, "Stammering really affected my school years, which is something many people who stammer can relate to. I remember feeling nervous to raise my hand in lessons or join in with the class in the ways my peers did. This wasn't so much because of the stammering itself, but more due to the lack of understanding that many teachers had about stammering. It's so important to encourage children who stammer to enjoy communicating and to have fun at school. This was my main inspiration in filming these videos.
It's so important to encourage children who stammer to enjoy communicating and to have fun at school. This was my main inspiration in filming these videos.
'In the beginning I discussed with Anna the main things that could've been done differently whilst I was at school, as well as things that teachers did that really helped me. It was essential for us to combine my experiences with those of others who stammer, so we could create a training resource that best helps everybody. From there, I filmed a series of videos (from a makeshift studio in my dining room!) which covered lots of information, ranging from what stammering is to how best to support students.
Anna adds, "We have now shared the videos with all schools in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. And we also plan to share them more widely with SLTs who work in the field of stammering. They are a resource that anyone can use — we hope they will be helpful for lots of teachers, and will therefore benefit many school pupils who stammer".
"I'm so grateful to be part of this project", says Maddie, "and trust it will be helpful to young people who stammer in school. Stammering should never be a limit to your education, and with more awareness from staff I hope it can be something that enhances your time at school instead".
You can watch both of Maddie's videos below:
How to support secondary school pupils who stammer
How to support pupils who stammer
Top tips (suitable for primary and secondary school staff)
If you are a teacher and would like more information on supporting a child who stammers, see our Teachers page and download or order our information leaflets for teachers.