Blog Lists

Speech and Language Therapist Jenny Packer explains what parents can expect when taking their child for a speech and language therapy assessment.
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An insurance broker who stammers has serious concerns about Voice Risk Analysis (VRA) systems and the effect they have on people who stammer.
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Sana Arshad talks about the effect her stammer had on her wellbeing, and how help from therapy and a local group has helped her to embrace it. "You are not alone."
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Grant was voted top lecturer at his University and 14th in Australia. Can stammering actually help you to lecture? he wonders.
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A trainee therapist with experience of acting, singing, sales insists that effective communication in one's job need not depend on fluency.
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Senior Trade Union Official Gary talks about how putting himself forward for speaking opportunities at work. 
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St. John reflects on a therapy course aiming to help people speak up for themselves.
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By Natasha Foster.
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In Nabiha's high-powered job in telecommunications, talking is a major part of the role. But she doesn’t let her stammer stop her. In fact, she argues, it's an asset.
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