Blog Lists

Petra tells us about her journey with stammering and how she's started to feel at peace with it.
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Comic artist Gareth Cowlin tells us about his relationship with stammering and drawing.
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Hanan tells us the story behind his book 'Stuttering: From Shame and Anxiety', and what he hopes readers will take from it.
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Vibesan tells us how developing his public speaking skills has helped him with stammering.
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Brentleigh's poem encapsulating the effects of a life spent in fear of stammering.
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Becca tells us how exploring her feelings towards stammering helped her to view it differently.
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George tells us how playing a character who stammers in the theatre impacted his own speech and his attitude towards it.
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Liv tells us how taking on too much at work affected her speech confidence, and shares her tips for coping.
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Neil tells us what he and his children got out of our last Family Day.
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