What do you think researchers into stammering should be investigating? What would you like to find out as an adult who stammers?
Dr Amy Connery from Trinity College Dublin invites you to take part in a study aiming to identify the research priorities of adults who stammer. There's an under-representation of stammering voices when it comes to designing research, so this is your chance to have your say.
What will it involve?
If you would like to take part, Amy is organising an online discussion event on Friday 18th October. You'll get the chance to chat informally in small groups on Zoom to learn more about research and give your input.
It starts at 4pm and will finish at 6:30pm. You just need to be an adult who stammers aged 18+.
How will it help?
By taking part you'll be helping to improve the quality and relevance of stammering research. It will also help future researchers improve the way they include adults who stammer.
For more information, and to register, please email Amy at connerya@tcd.ie
See what other research studies you can get involved with. You can also take part in our Research Arena events, where you can influence future stammering research studies.