STAMMA advert on a screen near you
21st March 2022
Our ad campaign calling for greater stammering representation in the media is now showing in cinemas across the UK.
We've partnered up with Pearl & Dean, the UK's best-known cinema advertising contractor, to get our short film seen in cinemas.
The one-and-a-half-minute film, 'Not Just One Day', is part of our campaign for people who stammer to be visibly and authentically portrayed in film and TV, and encourages people to sign and share our petition. Watch it below.
It's showing during the advertisements before movies in many cinemas from now until 27th October, shortly after International Stammering Awareness Day on the 22nd October.
Jane Powell, STAMMA CEO said, "We believe this is the first time an advertisement for and on behalf of people who stammer has been shown in cinemas, here or anywhere around the world. In the media stammering is rarely heard and when it is, it is often portrayed negatively or to comedic effect. It is time to take the lid off the stigma and see and hear people who stammer. There can be no diversity without disfluency."
If you see our advert at your local cinema, let us know. Take a picture and tweet it using @stammer #NoDiversityWithoutDisfluency.