A woman standing next to a wall with post it notes on it, with a woman and a man sitting beside her, watching

Training Service

Our Training Service helps make sure your organisation's ways of working are suitable for people who stammer. 

Whatever sector your organisation sits in, you're coming into contact with people who stammer. That could be your staff, customers, service users, members, clients, patients or passengers who stammer. 

So often systems and ways of working have been set up without any thought for people who stammer or who have other speech differences. From recruitment processes, to call handlers in customer service centres and the way meetings are run. 

Maybe you're just unsure about how to react when you meet someone who stammers. How do you help? Should you say something? Should you not?

We can help. Together we can ensure stammering is part of your organisation's work around diversity, equality and inclusion.

Training that suits you

You can choose the type of support that works best for you. Many of our resources and support are completely free. As a charity, we rely entirely on grants and donations for our work, and we have a suggested donation for some of our services. We offer:

Free consultation

An online consultation to explore and discuss your concerns or questions and provide relevant information and resources. Our consultations are informal, friendly and useful.

Free resource guides

Download our free resources further down the page. They include:

  • Workplace reasonable adjustments for people who stammer
  • Customer contact guide
  • Patient contact guide.

Free training videos

Our training videos include:

Bespoke training videos

Bespoke 5-minute training video tailored to your setting (suggested donation £50).

Webinars and workshops

Bespoke webinar or workshop tailored to your setting (suggested donation £100).

Policy reviews

Review of your HR or customer policies to identify aspects which may discriminate against staff or customers who stammer. Includes a written report and discussion suggestions and guidance for practical, easy-to-implement changes (suggested donation £250).

Contact Us

Don't hesitate to contact us by email at Or call our helpline on 0808 802 0002 and request that someone from the Training Service calls you back. 

Read more

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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