A young man taking a selfie photograph

Your Voice

A young man taking a selfie photograph

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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James describes those all too familiar times when it's hard to express yourself the way you want to.
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Working on a suicide helpline has led Bill to wonder how prevalent the issue is within the stammering community.
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After a lifetime feeling ashamed of his stammer, Tim says a revolution is needed if we want things to change.
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Saadhika tells us how psychological approaches to therapy helped her to deal with a difficult time in her life.
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Amelia's list of the least helpful things to do when speaking with someone who stammers.
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Paul, from the Birmingham Stammering Support Group, tells us his idea for getting people talking at local groups.
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James gives an impassioned argument against the popular phrase.
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To mark International Women's Day, Sophie writes about the pressures she feels as a woman who stammers.
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Tim tells us how being 'out and proud' about stammering might be unattainable for him.
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James wonders how we can improve medical professionals' knowledge about stammering.
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Stephanie defends the role of the speech & language therapist, which has in recent years come under fire.
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Phillip writes about how superficial differences can be broken down by shared experiences such as stammering.
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