Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
When Chris woke up unable to speak, doctors didn't diagnose it as a stammer. Read about his quest for answers.
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US-based speech & language pathologist Courtney took issue with reactions to America's Got Talent.
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Bhupinder tells us why she decided to book a ticket at our conference despite feeling nervous.
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Read Heather's reflections a year on from seeking support for her daughter's stammer.
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Hospital radio presenter Rob tells us about making a video to encourage others who stammer. 
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Paul tells us how the togetherness he felt whilst attending a stammering conference in the USA inspired him.
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While researching for his PhD, Thomas realised how much speech therapy in the past was tied to empire and racism.
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Read Tim's powerful poem about learning to accept his stammer.
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James describes those all too familiar times when it's hard to express yourself the way you want to.
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Judith talks about her career and explains how useful feedback helped her to deliver a funeral speech.
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Filmmaker Gabriel tells us about creating short films about stammering, and the difference he hopes they'll make. 
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Gideon tells us how a near fatal attack led to him becoming a motivational speaker and a youth mentor. 
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