Blog Lists

Phillip argues that for society's attitudes to change, we need to educate people and make them look at their language and reactions to those who stammer.
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In the week in which we launched our campaign Find The Right Words, Lynne Mackie wants people to know that complimenting her on her fluency isn't helping.
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In January, Richard's article for this site got such a great response that he decided to write this follow up on the feedback. He also talks about getting on in lockdown and the possibility of Joe Biden becoming President.
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Registered Nurse Ben talks about his stammer, changing career, links between sexual health and stammering, and why it is important now more than ever to talk about your health.
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Speech & language therapist Stephanie looks at the debate over the social vs medical model of disability.
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BJ Hill shares his frustrations around public attitudes, barriers to finding a job and starting relationships, and programmes claiming to cure stammering.
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Phyllis thought she'd have to go through life being the only person she knew who stammered. That was until she came across our Facebook support group. Read about her journey to self-acceptance and belonging.
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Despite gaining a postgrad degree, Baffour is finding getting a job difficult.
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Claire has never felt comfortable using the telephone at work, instead favouring face-to-face communication. Here she writes about coping with having to make more calls now she's working from home and how it's affecting her mental health.
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