Poem: Trapped By Your Own Voice

The back of a man's head as he speaks into a mobile phone.
(Posed by a model)

Brentleigh John sent us this poem encapsulating the effects of a life spent in fear of stammering.

If it strikes a chord with you and you're looking for support with stammering, see our Get Help section, which lists the options available. You can also chat with us: call our free Helpline on 0808 802 0002 or start a webchat.

Trapped By Your Own Voice

By Brentleigh John

In this life of existence
I struggle to speak
Blocking on words with a scream underneath.

Worthless, useless, emptiness I feel every day
Like my potential has been lost and withering away.

Anxiety and loneliness grip my soul
Self-hate is tightening I am done with this toll!

Fear and isolation cancer my days
And I often wonder if there is another way.

From speech lessons to programmes, I often attend
But lessen my attention
And my life is miserable once again!

Why does this voice trap my happiness tight?
Why can't I break free into the light?

No more holding back, no more tears
It's time to be brave, courageous and free

I will navigate this labyrinth of daily humiliation
And change this cursed narrative with determination as my ammunition.

Have you created something stammering-related that you'd like to share? Or would you like to tell us your story, opinions or write about things that have helped you? See Submit Something Something For The Site or email editor@stamma.org.

Read more Your Voice articles.

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Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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