Blog Lists

To coincide with our campaign 'Find The Right Words', Louise talks about the power of words and their impact on her.
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Phillip argues that for society's attitudes to change, we need to educate people and make them look at their language and reactions to those who stammer.
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Christine talks about the words that have had an impact on her. and urges people to think before they speak.
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In the week in which we launched our campaign Find The Right Words, Lynne Mackie wants people to know that complimenting her on her fluency isn't helping.
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When James took part in an online strategy game based on the TV show Survivor, he soon realised he'd have to figure out a strategy for dealing with his stammer too. Find out how he got on.
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Zara opens up about her stammer, with this post from her blog 'Zara Writes'
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When Rick Arenas was a boy, his family didn't talk about his stammer. But when his own son came to him for advice for living with stammering, he decided he didn't want to take the same approach.
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When Victoria's son Sam started stammering she felt worried, guilty and helpless. But with the help of speech and language therapy, she learnt how to support Sam and make him see that there's nothing in life he can't do.
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Debbie talks about the discoveries that led her into a career teaching others that people who stammer can be good communicators.
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