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Guidance on accommodating people who stammer has been given to judges at courts and tribunals in the UK. Download it here.
After some bad experiences because of his stammer, Chris left the education system feeling lost. Now with a fulfilling career as a postman, Chris writes about the volunteer course that turned things around.
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Memories of Brian Dodsworth, our longstanding President, who sadly passed away on 10th April 2021, aged 87.
Lynne gives her opinion on the portrayal of stammering in the popular Netflix series Bridgerton. 
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Abid dreaded the morning register at school. Nowadays it's him who takes it. Read about he grew in confidence to become a teacher himself.
Celebrate the anniversary of our first year of webchat and take part in 5k May!
Becoming a medical doctor seemed an unrealistic dream to Sophia. Here she tells us about deciding to go for it and stop hiding her stammer, and how her speech gives her an advantage with patients.
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Thu 29th Apr '21 5:00pm

Join us for the next event in our STAMMA Social series, as Owen Sheers and Zaffar Kunial explore poetry, creativity and t

Our award-winning 2020 campaign aimed at changing the language and perception of stammering.
Our ad campaign for International Stammering Awareness Day (ISAD) 2019.
Our first campaign as STAMMA, launched in June 2019.
Peter gives us an update after almost a year volunteering on our helpline and webchat support team.
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