(Posted 23rd October 2024)
Calling all Speech & Language Therapists (SLTs). Rebecca Malone from AECC University Bournemouth is looking for your thoughts on stammering interventions for children.
Rebecca says, "Through in-depth interviews, I'm aiming to identify the most effective strategies currently used in therapy for school-age children who stammer, as well as challenges SLTs encounter in practice.
'By better understanding these perspectives, we hope this research will help shape future interventions and inform best practices in stammering therapy, contributing valuable insights into the SLT profession and its approach to treating stammering in children".
Who's eligible and what does it involve?
Rebecca is looking for SLTs in the UK and Ireland who have experience working with school-aged children who stammer. She would like to have an in-depth interview (in-person or online) with you which should last 30-45 minutes.
If you'd like to take part, please contact Rebecca at 220777@aecc.ac.uk
See what other research studies you can get involved with. You can also take part in our Research Arena events, where you can influence future stammering research studies.